Mandatory participation in programs to counter violent extremism: A review of evidence for and against



Countering Violent Extremism, Interventions, Mandatory Participation, Evidence Review


Dealing with released convicted terrorists and returned foreign fighters is a major policy challenge. One option is to mandate their participation in intervention programs. This paper will review evidence relating to mandatory participation in interventions targeting convicted terrorists and individuals at risk of radicalisation, consider the benefits and drawbacks of mandating participation and explore relevant implementation issues relating to the adoption of mandatory programs. The following methodology was adopted: (1) a rapid scoping review across the fields of countering violent extremism, sex and violent offender rehabilitative programming; (2) a review of relevant policy documents and legislative sources; and (3) consultations with international experts. The conclusion drawn is that mandated participation may offer some benefits, but these need to be weighed against the drawbacks of such an approach.


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