Framing local collaboration among frontline workers in the field of preventing violent extremism


  • Pablo Madriaza Université du Québec en Outaouais


Collaboration, Frontline Workers, PVE, Frame Analysis


Local collaboration among frontline workers is probably one of the main challenges for the PVE field. Many Western countries working in this field have developed multi-agency models to address this problem and there is a growing interest in the literature on these challenges. However, few efforts have attempted to analyze these issues theoretically and empirically. Thus, this article aims not only to provide empirical information from practitioners' field experience on these issues but also to provide a comprehensive analytical framework for interpreting them. To this end, frame analysis theory has been used to describe and understand the challenges of collaboration in this field. A total of 90 participants from 64 organizations in 27 countries were interviewed for this study. Personal ties, professional alignment, conflicts of interest, law enforcement involvement, governmental framework, competition, and time invested in collaborative efforts were highlighted as the main factors explaining the success or failure of local collaboration.



This research was funded by Public Safety Canada.


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