Gender Constructions in the Prevention of and Deradicalization from Islamism in Germany.


  • Bösing Eike University Vechta
  • Yannick von Lautz IU International University
  • Mehmet Kart IU International University
  • Margit Stein University Vechta


Radicalization, Counseling, Gender, Prevention, Islamism, Germany


Women have always played a key role in modern extremist organizations. Ambivalent propaganda and recruitment strategies also specifically target women. In addition, research findings highlight different gender-specific reasons for radicalization. Nevertheless, radicalization has long been perceived as a male phenomenon and women have been ascribed stereotypical characteristics that portray them as appendages or supporters of men. As a result, there is a risk that a biased image of “female radicalization” will become entrenched and also influence prevention and deradicalization. Following on from this, this article deals not only with the isolated question of possible gender specifics, but also with the (re)construction of gender orders and stereotypes in the field of prevention and deradicalization in the context of Islamism. Through the documentary analysis of eleven interviews with actors involved in prevention and intervention in Germany, three types of gender constructions in the field of prevention and deradicalization from Islamism were reconstructed in which gender orders and gender-specific assumptions about radicalization processes are expressed. The first type emphasizes emotionality and influenceability as stereotypical female characteristics and understands the radicalization of women as a process of assimilation. In contrast, the second type emphasizes recognition and self-determination. Here, the radicalization of women is primarily understood as a functional strategy for liberation from the social gender order. In the third type, the interviewees focus on idealistic and ideological elements and understand radicalization as a process of developing political subjectivity.


The project “Distanz” has received funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the program “Societal Causes and Effects of Radical Islam in Germany and Europe”.


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